Waiting for winter in summer of 2017


Ice and Fire clashes things eternal against acts heroic. World is the same as it has ever been, but somehow is on the apocalypse edge. The epic size books might come down to a single moment of action or inaction from Jon, Dany, or Brann. The heroic "now" must act to restore the world to its passive eternal assuredness. But will the characters even care about the world? Will Sam's readiness to ignore the Big World and save his Little one actually save both?

When GRRM puts the final . in TDoS the ending will be bitter-sweet indeed: You think you will be happy because the book is finished. But something is lost forever at that moment - the anticipation and the challenge of foreseeing the fates of our beloved characters. No more theories. No more YouTube videos. ReddIt losing half its audience. This is the future we apparently want, but secretly dread. And what about now?

What can we do now? Capture this moment in time - as impossible as it is. Because there will never be another summer of 2017. Before, in the middle, or shortly after Season 7. But prior to TWoW and A Dream of Spring being just that - a dream. You can't post about ASoIaF later - because later you are going to be a different "you". And the books are not going to be the same books if you know how they end.